Thursday, January 1, 2009


This is indeed a bleak start to the new year!

I was switching channels when what a guest in Suhaimi Sulaiman's talk show on Astro Awani said caught my attention. I didn't get the guest's name but Suhaimi addressed him as Doctor. He looks familiar though. I think I've seen him on other TV programmes.

Anyway, he said something about cities in Malaysia facing earthquakes, not due to natural causes but because of developments that are not properly planned.

The good Doctor mentioned two other major catastrophes that the country will be facing this year if the decision makers are not careful.

We will be facing a catastrophe in our Education system, which we already are. This will in turn effect our Human Capital.

The worst catastrophe will be on water. We in Malaysia do not seem to appreciate our water resources. Rivers are polluted and water catchment areas are developed into residential areas.

I hope and pray that what Future Studies have predicted will not materialise. We will all have to do our part to ensure this.

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