Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The Inter School Drama Competition was held this morning. It didn't go as well as I hoped.

I feel very frustrated because I've got a lot of ideas, I've spent a lot of time on the preparations and not to mention the money spent on the production.

When my students performed this morning, they gave a very poor performance. They had over a month to rehearse but unfortunately I could not get a full attendance every time they were asked to attend rehearsal. I find that it's very difficult to get their commitment. Cooperation from parents is very much to be desired.

Some of the students were required to wear black t-shirt, black pants and black shoes. This morning some turned up in their sports house t-shirt and school uniform! I do not expect them to buy the black attire if they don't have any. They could always borrow. Unfortunately, they were not committed enough to put in any effort towards fulfilling the requirements asked of them. Cooperation from parents?.....zilch!

I bought a box of mineral water for the students to quench their thirst. When we got to the school that host the competition, none carried the box down because I forgot to assign anyone specific to do so. By the time I realised that the box of mineral water was left on the bus, it has already left!

When it was time to arrange the props on stage, I was the one to do so! That's how hopeless this bunch of students were. They seemed to be clueless when it comes to having to voluntarily pitch in.

Parents out there need to be aware of the importance of encouraging their children to participate in co-academic activities. At the same time, parents also should give their support in whatever ways they can to ensure that such activities are successfully carried out.

Among the reasons given by my students who do not attend rehearsal are:

"I have to attend tuition"
"My mother/father cannot drive me to school "
"My father/mother won't let me"
"I have to study"
"My father is not happy of having to drive me to school on Saturday"

I find all such excuses very irritating.

Enhancing language proficiency could not be achieved from lessons in class alone. The English Language Panel and the English Language Society do organise a lot of activities, not just at school level but also inter-school competitions. Unfortunately, students' participation is very lacking and support from parents is very wanting.

So, please....don't ever point fingers at the teachers if your children fail to be proficient in English Language. We teachers have done everything that we possibly can for your children. Ask yourselves, what is your contribution towards supplementing the teachers' effort?

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