Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Then, I remembered that I'd be needing a 2B pencil, pencil sharpener and eraser. I was too tired last night to look for these items. I only did so this morning. Thankfully, Yana still keeps her stationaries. I managed to find what I needed from her drawer.
Since I was not prepared, I hadn't a clue as to which could possibly be the answer to some of the questions. But then, any of the 4 choices of answers could be the right one!
After the test I headed to Nilai to look for tiles for Yana's Spa. I couldn't find the colour Yana wants.
After Zohor, I went to Kajang to purchase the tiles that Yana had chosen last Saturday.
As I was heading towards Bangi along Jln Reko, the traffic suddenly came to a stall. As I was pressing on my brake to prevent from crashing into the car infront of me, a van rammed the rear of my car! Luckily, I wasn't too close the car infront. So, when my car jolted forward, I did not hit it.
The driver of the van wanted to pay for the damages but I told him I won't know the extent of the damages and how much the repair would cost. So, I'll go to a workshop tomorrow to get an estimate. I've got the van driver's particulars and I told him that if he doesn't pay, I'll make a Police report.
What a day!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Salam Ramadhan
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Information on the effectiveness of facemasks
However, the use of a facemask is likely to be of most benefit if used as early as possible when exposed to an ill person and when the facemask is used consistently
Facemasks help stop droplets from being spread by the person wearing them. They also keep splashes or sprays from reaching the mouth and nose of the person wearing the facemask. They are not designed to protect against breathing in very small particle aerosols that may contain viruses. Facemasks should be used once and then thrown away in the trash.
CDC Interim Recommendations for Facemask and Respirator Use for Home, Community, and Occupational Settings for Non-Ill Persons to Prevent Infection with Novel H1N1 1 2
Setting | Persons not at increased risk of severe illness from influenza (Non-high risk persons) | Persons at increased risk of severe illness from influenza (High-Risk Persons) 3 |
Community | ||
No novel H1N1 in community | Facemask/respirator not recommended | Facemask/respirator not recommended |
Novel H1N1 in community: not crowded setting | Facemask/respirator not recommended | Facemask/respirator not recommended |
Novel H1N1 in community: crowded setting | Facemask/respirator not recommended | Avoid setting. If unavoidable, consider facemask or respirator 4 5 |
Home | ||
Caregiver to person with influenza-like illness | Facemask/respirator not recommended | Avoid being caregiver. If unavoidable, use facemask or respirator 4 5 |
Other household members in home | Facemask/respirator not recommended | Facemask/respirator not recommended |
Occupational (non-health care) | ||
No novel H1N1 in community | Facemask/respirator not recommended | Facemask/respirator not recommended |
Novel H1N1 in community | Facemask/respirator not recommended but could be considered under certain circumstances 4 5 | Facemask/respirator not recommended but could be considered under certain circumstances 4 5 |
Occupational (health care) 6 | ||
Caring 7 for persons with known, probable or suspected novel H1N1 or influenza-like illness | Respirator | Consider temporary reassignment. Respirator |
1 The effectiveness of facemasks in preventing transmission of novel H1N1 (or seasonal influenza) in various settings is not known. Use of a facemask is likely to be of most benefit if used correctly and consistently when exposed to an ill person. (Ref. a) MacIntyre CR, et al. EID 2009;15:233-41. b) Cowling BJ, et al. Non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent household transmission of influenza. The 8th Asia Pacific Congress of Medical Virology, Hong Kong, 26-28 February 2009.)
2 For the purpose of this document, respirator refers to N95 or any other NIOSH-certified filtering face piece respirator.
3 Persons at increased risk of severe illness from influenza (i.e. high-risk persons) include those groups at higher risk for severe illness from seasonal influenza, including: children younger than 5 years old; persons aged 65 years or older; children and adolescents (younger than 18 years) who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and who might be at risk for experiencing Reye syndrome after influenza virus infection; pregnant women; adults and children who have pulmonary, including asthma, cardiovascular, hepatic, hematological, neurologic, neuromuscular, or metabolic disorders, such as diabetes; adults and children who have immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications or by HIV); and, residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities.
4 The optimal use of respirators requires fit testing, training and medical clearance. Proper use is recommended to maximize effectiveness. The use of facemasks may be considered as an alternative to respirators, although they are not as effective as respirators in preventing inhalation of small particles, which is one potential route of influenza transmission. There is limited evidence available to suggest that use of a respirator without fit-testing may still provide better protection than a facemask against inhalation of small particles. Respirators are not recommended for children or persons who have facial hair (see FDA website).
5 Use of N95 respirators or facemasks generally is not recommended for workers in non-healthcare occupational settings for general work activities. For specific work activities that involve contact with people who have influenza-like illness (ILI) (fever plus at least either cough or sore throat and possibly other symptoms like runny nose, body aches, headaches, chills, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea), such as escorting a person with ILI, interviewing a person with ILI, providing assistance to an individual with ILI, the following are recommended: a) workers should try to maintain a distance of 6 feet or more from the person with ILI; b) workers should keep their interactions with the ill person as brief as possible; c) the ill person should be asked to follow good cough etiquette and hand hygiene and to wear a facemask, if able, and one is available; d) workers at increased risk of severe illness from influenza infection (see footnote 3) should avoid people with ILI (possibly by temporary reassignment); and, e) where workers cannot avoid close contact with persons with ILI, some workers may choose to wear a facemask or N95 respirator on a voluntary basis (See footnote 1). When respirators are used on a voluntary basis in an occupational work setting, requirements for voluntary use of respirators in work sites can be found on the OSHA website.
6 See case definitions of confirmed, probable, and suspected novel influenza A (H1N1). Also see infection control in the health care setting. When respiratory protection is required in an occupational setting, respirators must be used in the context of a comprehensive respiratory protection program as required under OSHA’s Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134). This includes fit testing, medical evaluation and training of the worker.
7 “Caring” includes all activities that bring a worker into proximity to a patient with known, probable, or suspected novel H1N1 or ILI, including both providing direct medical care and support activities like delivering a meal tray or cleaning a patient’s room.
Bagaimana pentadbir sekolah menangani kes H1N1
Pada hari yang sama disahkan seorang murid dari tingkatan 5 (sesi pagi) juga telah disahkan dijangkiti H1N1. Beberapa lagi rakannya juga menunjukkan tanda-tanda telah dijangkiti virus.
Apa kaitan di antara mereka?
Semuanya adalah anggota skuad Pengakap yang terlibat dalam Pertandingan Kawad Kaki pada 15 hb.!
Apa pula tindakan yang diambil oleh pentadbir sekolah?
Kelas 2KTP3 dipindahkan ke kelas lain pada hari tersebut. Bai Kang yang sudah mula demam selsema dan batuk masih lagi hadir ke sekolah. PK Petang tak buat apa-apa walaupun guru-guru yang mengajar kelas tersebut membuat laporan.
Pada 20hb Bai Kang masih hadir ke sekolah. Setelah guru yang masuk kelasnya bising-bising baru la murid tersebut ke pejabat minta kebenaran untuk pulang! Bayangkanlah dah berapa meluas virus telah disebarkan.
Pada hari yang sama PK HEM mengarahkan semua guru tingkatan (sesi petang je?) menghubungi semua murid-murid yang tidak hadir untuk mengenalpasti jika ada yang telah dijangkiti. Malangnya tidak semua guru tingkatan berbuat demikian dengan sebab:
- tidak mendengar pengumuman yang dibuat
- terpaksa masuk ke kelas untuk menjalankan P&P ikut jadual
- tak kuasa (!)
Apa tindakkan PK Ptg.?
2KTP1 dipindahkan ke kelas yang sebelumnya didiami oleh 2KTP3!
Apabila diingatkan bahawa ada murid dari 2KTP3 baru saja disuruh ambil oleh ibu/bapa/penjaga, jawabnya, "Ala...demam biasa je...belum disahkan H1N1" (!)
Lewat petang tadi diputuskan bahawa 2KTP1 dan 2KTP3 tidak dibenarkan hadir ke sekolah esok, 21 hb. Tu je???
Hari ini juga, seorang guru dari sesi pagi dimasukkan ke ICU Hospital Serdang sebab menghadapi masaalah pernafasan. Cikgu ini berdoa agar beliau cepat sembuh.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Pelajar Boleh Terus Guna PPSMI?
Yang terkini pula diputuskan, "Pelajar yang memulakan pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris boleh terus berbuat demikian sehingga mereka menamatkan pendidikan sekolah menengah mereka", sebagaimana yang dilaporkan di sini.
Macamana tu? Kalau dah P&P di sekolah dalam BM atau bahasa ibunda, bagaimana mungkin murid boleh belajar S&M dalam BI? Lagi bercelaru ada.
Itulah akibatnya jika sistem pendidikan pun hendak dipolitikkan.
Monday, August 17, 2009

1. amalkan doa di atas dan perbanyakkan membaca al-quran kerana hanya kepada Allah sahaja tempat kita meminta pertolongan dan segalanya atas kekuasaan Allah swt.
2. Sentiasa mengambil wudhu' dan memperbaharui wudhu'; kerana dalam wudhu' kita diajar untuk membasuh tangan, berkumur dan membasuh hidung(amalan sunat) yang dapat menghindari diri daripada selsema.
3. Banyakkan minum air masak dan makan buah-buahan; ini merupakan amalan sunnah baginda Rasulullah saw.
Dipetik dari sini.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
If you can't stand the heat don't work in the kitchen
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Fancy staying up tonight?
The knowledge that "Malaysians will be able to sight up to a total of 100 Perseid meteors per hour streaking across the northern sky in the wee hours of Thursday morning" caught my attention.
But the idea of having to be awake at the wee hour of the morning on a week day somehow dampens the interest. "Universiti Sains Malaysia’s Astronomy Atmospheric Science Unit lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Chong Hon Yew said that according to the International Meteor Organisation (IMO). the meteor shower is expected to be best viewed from 1.30am to 4am on Thursday."
I'm not really into astronomy, but the opportunity of observing Allah's magnificent creation with the naked eye is something not to be missed, especially when it is not a frequent occurrence.
How do you observe meteor shower?
If you live near a brightly lit city, drive away from the glow of city lights, if possible.
After you’ve escaped the city lights, find a dark and safety site (or park), where there is lesser oncoming cars to ruin your sensitive night vision or dark adaptation (because of the headlights).
Once you have settled at your observing spot, lay back on ground or a reclining chair so that the horizon appears at the edge of your peripheral vision, with the stars and sky filling your field of view. Meteors will instantly grab your attention as they streak by.
( Stargazer2u )Wonder if I'll still be able to observe the meteor shower through the bedroom window?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My name has a meaning?
It seems that in Pali, Hiriyati means 'to blush, to be shy; to feel conscientious scruple, to be ashamed'.
Hmm.....I was kind of shy as a child.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
AWAS !! Enta dan orang Islam di Malaysia, tunggulah azab dan bala dari Allah !
"Baru-baru ni saya berkesempatan bertemu dengan seorang sahabat dari Hebron yang kini menyambungkan pengajianya di UIAM. Dalam pertemuan ringkas itu pelbagai topik perbincangan dapat kami bualkan bersama terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan Jihad untuk membebaskan Palestin dari cengkaman regim Yahudi laknatullah. Saya agak terkedu dan terpukul dengan satu kenyataan dari beliau, katanya : " AWAS !! Enta dan orang Islam di Malaysia, tunggu azab dan bala dari Allah ! "
Adoii mak ! Apahal pulak ni ? Saya merungut sendirian dan bertanya kembali kepada teman tersebut kenapa dia cakap macam tu. Dia menjelaskan bahawa dia telah dipenjara selama 3 tahun oleh Israel kerana menunaikan solat lima waktu di masjid dan menurutnya lagi teman-temanya ada yang dipenjara lebih dari itu bahkan ada yang dipenjarakan selama 27 tahun hanya kerana pergi ke masjid untuk mendirikan solat. Mengejutkan !!
Dia juga mengatakan amaran tersebut wajar kepada orang islam di Malaysia kerana masjid - masjid di sini kosong dan tidak dipergunakan serta di manfaat sewajarnya untuk mendirikan solat. Apabila masuk waktu solat ramai kebanyakan orang-orang islam Malaysia tidak memperdulikanya bahkan tidak mahu mendirikan solat di masjid walaupun masjid itu terletak dihadapan matanya. Mereka hanya sibuk dengan urusan dunianya sahaja, ujar sahabat tersebut.
Dia juga menceritakan bahawa dia telah dipenjara selama 3 tahun itu dah dikira terlalu singkat dan dia tidak puas dengan ujian tersebut kerana orang lain sanggup dipenjara kerana menunaikan tanggungjawabnya kepada Allah biarpun mereka terpaksa melintasi pelbagai ujian dan sekatan oleh regim Israel untuk mereka melangkahkan kaki ke masjid.
SEDARLAH wahai saudaraku di negara kita sememangnya masjid-masjid dibina dengan cantik dan mewah, bahkan kini kebanyakkan masjid sudah dilengkapi dengan hawa dingin tetapi jemaah yang datang menunaikan solat fardhu adalah terlalu sedikit berbanding dengan kepadatan penduduk islam di bumi Malaysia ini.
Kita memang dilingkungi dengan urusan dunia yang amat sangat hingga tidak mampu untuk melangkah kaki ke masjid dari waktu solat subuh hingga ke solat Isya', kita sentiasa sibuk. Sibuk dengan urusan dunia kita masing2, sibuk dengan keluarga dan anak-anak, sibuk dengan bisnes, politik, blog, sibuk dengan MLM, sibuk menonton rancangan TV dan sibuk yang bermacam -macam lagi yang dicipta sendiri.
Jauh dari negara kita umat islam lain berhempas pulas mahu menjejakkan kaki mereka ke masjid untuk mendirikan solat berjamaah namun kita ?
Oleh itu marilah kita bermuhasabah diri dan kembalilah kepada petunjuk al-Quran dan Sunatur Rasul SAW untuk kembali mengimarahkan masjid dengan semaksimum mungkin untuk memperkasakan jati diri kita sebagai muslim yang baik dan berkualiti."
-Oleh : MRK albanjari
Monday, August 3, 2009
A more pressing matter at hand
A collegue has been having the flu since last week. She willingly went to Serdang Hospital to be tested for H1N1. Unfortunately, she was informed that the tests could not be carried out because she's just taken her medication. She's required to return 4 hours later! Why is such important information not given to the general public? The collegue end up not getting any test done.
My eldest daughter had a flu last week. She seems to be recovering, but I'm still worried. My youngest who's in UIAM Kuantan called saying she's having the flu also. I'm even more worried because she said that all nursing students have been asked to go home. Adek is doing medical biology, which is in the faculty of science. She's not seen the doctor yet since she got lectures the whole morning and lab the whole afternoon. She plans to do so tomorrow since there's no lab session tomorrow afternoon. I'll give her a call tomorrow. In the mean time this mother will keep herself busy so she does not worry too much...banyakkan berzikir dan berdoa (that's me telling myself).
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Binatang Bernama Huraisy
Malaikat Jibril bertanya : "Hai Huraisy! Engkau hendak ke mana Dan siapa yang kau cari?
Huraisy pun menjawab, "Aku mahu mencari lima jenis orang.
Pertama, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang.
Kedua , orang yang tidak mahu keluarkan zakat.
Ketiga, orang yang derhaka kepada ibubapanya.
Keempat, orang yang bercakap tentang dunia di dalam masjid.
Kelima, orang yang suka minum arak."
.....sampaikan pesanan ini biarpun 1 ayatCELAKO PUNYO GMI!
Sepanjang jalan dan menyumpah seghanah malaun-malaun yang bodoh, bangang, stupid, ass holes, idiots, morons.......tak de keje lain ke?
Prof ke...emeritus ke...kalau menyusahkan orang untuk kepentingan peribadi....campak je la ke dalam longkang segala doctorship....proffessorship...or whatever ship!
Orang lain sibuk mencari peluang untuk menambahkan pendapatan....malaun-malaun ni pulak sibuk menyusahkan orang dan menghalang warga kota dari meneruskan aktiviti harian mereka dengan bedemo.
Kenapa tidak diadakan program-program atau aktiviti-aktiviti yang berfaedah bagi membantu remaja-remaja yang merupakan modal insan negara? Sebaliknya diajak pula mereka berdemonstrasi. Bodoh punya orang tua!
Udah-udah la tu. Jangan lah asyik menjadi kerbau yang dicucuk hidung. Berfikir lah dengan waras. Masa itu kan emas? Gunakanlah ia dengan sebaiknya.