Monday, December 29, 2014

THE POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA name but a few.  Via these media, news travel at the click of a finger.  They can be very effective when we need to spread whatever it call for name it. 

Some has resort to blogging to air their grouses....or to seek justice . 

To get the message to wider audience the posting is then shared on Facebook...then on whatsApp.  It got passed on to various groups. 

That certainly put the message across to whom it may concern.

The social media has certainly proven to be very effective in spreading news...though sometimes the news being spread can be false.

When it comes to getting people media is the most effective tool.  You only need to send to one group of friends.  Each will then send to another group of friends....and it goes on and on.  To get wider coverage, get the message posted on Facebook.  Once it gets viral the outcome will be awesome !

Social media when utilised with responsibility will definitely benefit the mass.  But once abused it can definitely create chaos.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Been a long time indeed since my last posting.

I've been involved in several business ventures since I can remember when.  Profitable?...Yes...but not that much.

Middle of last year, another business opportunity came along by chance.  Not very convincing then.  But what the is the part where I took a risk.

I parted with almost RM5k in late July last year.  Money changed hands at a foodcourt.  TawakkalAllah....

It turns out to be very legit and most profitable.

The investment I made is for a one year contract to post 5 ads for a company based in the USA.  For each advertisement posted I get paid USD20 per week.
It only takes about 5 minutes to post all 5 ads per day and I get paid USD100 per week.  Pretty neat eh?
After 52 weeks I will get a total of USD5200 for an investment of USD1425.  Do the maths!
Ofcourse there's a risk.  There's always a risk in whatever business we venture into.
For this particular investment, I've already crossed that threshold.  After 3 and a half months, I've got back my USD1425.  I'm now reaping the profit from this simple yet very rewarding business.