Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pagi yang Cemas!

Tetiba tersedar dari tido. Perasan gelap. Sape pulak la yang tutup lampu? Lepas tu baru sedar kipas pun dah tak berpusing. Oooo....blackout agaknya.

Eh....tapi lampu water heater menyala. Oookaay....intai pulak lampu plug TV....pun menyala. Baring semula sebab masih keliru. Mak ai!...panas...berkuap!

Bangun semula...intai rumah sebelah. Eh...ada lampu pulak. Rumah belakang?....pun ada lampu. Perasaan mula cemas! Ambil telefon dial husband. Tak angkat!

Baring semula. Tak boleh nak tidor sebab panas dan cemas. Pasang telinga. Tak dengar pulak bunyi ada orang kat dalam rumah. Perut dah mula meragam.

My eyes were accustomed to the dark. Lagi pun lampu dari rumah jiran sebelah agak terang. So I made my way to the toilet. I felt fresher after washing up with the cool water.

Out of the toilet I grabbed my tudung and car key. I oppened the front door and tried to call husband again. Still no reply. The air outside felt much cooler than indoor. I decided to wait in the car while waiting for dear hubby to come home.

I got into the car and tried to call hubby again. Still no reply. I couldn't very well call the neighbours or friends. It's still just after 3 a.m.! Everyone's sleeping soundly in their comfortable beds...

I tried to call dear hubby several times....and dozed off in between calls. Finally he called back at about a quarter to five! I dozed off again and was awakened by a knock on the door....phew!!! dear hubby has arrived...and it was then already a quarter past six!

Dear hubby helped me out of the car and I wobbled into the house. The lights are back. Hooray!!!

So, straight into the bathroom I went to get ready for work. I managed to get to work on time, though a bit dazed.

I'll be stopping by the store on the way back afterwards to get an emergency light!!

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